How to stop drinking? The regular consumption of alcohol is rather quickly starting to be considered the norm. In any situation one starts from the consumption of alcohol appropriate. Thoughts on how to start with alcohol, have fear of him, that the life events are less vivid. Gradually the habit becomes a disease that destroys the health, of personality, of human and professional relations.

How to understand that there is an urgent need to stop drinking alcohol? As alcohol has become the vitality of the standard, evidenced by the morning the hangover and frequent mood changes.
How to get rid of alcoholism? Addiction to alcohol requires urgent and effective treatment. The main obstacle is the fact that the alcoholic does not recognize the existence of the problem, a multitude of self-justifications and is not looking for ways to get rid of their addiction. If he wants to stop drinking alcohol, but just doesn't know how to do it, the problem is half-solved.
How to get rid of alcoholism? To think seriously about how to stop drinking, it is necessary with frequent holidays (more than 1 time per month) and the needs to increase the dose. If after a party You have the combat begins, this means that alcoholism has become Your diagnosis. How to stop drinking alcohol?
Drug-drug methods of treatment
How to stop drinking alcohol with the drugs? The drug therapy aims at reducing the negative consequences of the receipt of the ethanol, the treatment of comorbid mental and drug treatment of somatic disorders and the diseases caused by long-term alcohol intoxication of the organism. As it is she who helps to get rid of alcoholism?
With the assistance of detoxification, soothing, a multivitamin and restorative fund to neutralize the toxic action of ethanol and is the therapy relief from alcohol dependence.
How to stop drinking alcohol, drug use? With the help of medication artificially creates a "chemical protection", in which the receipt of alcoholic beverages, which significantly affects the health of the patient. In the composition of medicines, exchange rate, are also included in the preparations of the group of tranquilizers and anti-depressants, and when expressed anxiety or aggression shows neuroleptics.
How to never stop drinking alcohol with the drugs? The disadvantage of a drug for treatment of alcoholism, is that a number of drugs is symptomatic and has no impact on the course of the function.
And how to relieve the patients of alcohol dependence in the world? Effective medications, which are applied in countries with very advanced medicine, are not available to domestic patients, and drugs for aversion therapy on the basis of of disulfiram or cyanamide allow them finally to overcome the cravings only during the deliberation of the reception and the high level of motivation of the alcoholic.

How to stop drinking with drugs? Without taking into account the psychological factor, and a lack of ownership of the substance abuse treatment of alcohol abuse with the investigation, without affecting the causes of a problem. In addition, it does not compensate for mental changes, has a large list of contraindications and poorly tolerated by patients. How to stop drinking alcohol?
Prohibiting the methodology
How to stop drinking? One of the most common methods of getting rid of alcoholism is the coding. The method is intended to block the receipt of ethanol and can be effective on the stage of addiction, when biological and psychological, the changes are minimal, the criticism is not reduced, and the identity is not destroyed because of alcohol.
How to get rid of the alcohol using for the encoding? The method is based on the hard drive to the prohibition of drinking alcohol during a certain period of time, for fear of negative consequences. Quite often, after the expiry of that period of people, particularly with a strong alcoholic experience, begins to abuse alcohol in a still greater extent (referred to as the effect of a long ban). How to stop drinking alcohol?
Alternative techniques
How to stop drinking alcohol? A number of methods of the author is essentially based on the other approach, and it is controlled by the reception of spirits and the wording on them of normal reactions of the body.
How to get rid of alcoholism with the help of alternative methods? Their disadvantage, in addition to mandatory consciousness, is extended up to 8 months — the duration of the training. Thus, in the end is not more than 2 % of patients. In addition, if education alcohol-related treatment does not result in the complete abandonment of alcohol, it can not be regarded as effective. How to stop drinking alcohol?
Psychotropic methodology

How to get rid of alcohol addiction? An integral part of the treatment for alcoholism is: psychotherapy. Its main task is the recognition by the patient of the fact of dependency and the loss of self-control. How psychotherapy helps them to stop drinking alcohol? It takes different forms — interview with a therapist-psychiatrist, individual and of the methodology. As it is what allows us to stop drinking?
In the initial stages of alcoholism psychotherapy door-a minute and a particular character. It helps the patient to resolve the upheavals of life, which are causes of alcohol abuse. In the following, psychotropic methods are applied in order to improve the motivation of the patient. And how to get rid of alcohol addiction?
How to get rid of alcoholism and you don't become a victim of fraud?
How to stop drinking alcohol? Not a secret that a lot of people unclean on the hand of entrepreneurs who want to earn on the willingness of people to get rid of the addiction to alcohol. They claim that know exactly how to quickly and permanently stop drinking alcohol without any work, and of work on oneself, on the part of the patient. Often, the scams are protected licenses and the well-advertised. How to stop drinking alcohol?
The Method Allen Carr
"I want to stop drinking alcohol, but I don't know how to do it", thinks the man, fell into the addiction of alcohol. When millions of alcoholics around the world find the answer to the question "How to stop drinking alcohol?" has helped the book of Allen Carr "the best way to stop drinking". Many of them have taken advantage of the methodology, on the recommendations of those who have overcome their addiction with it before. How this book allows you to take a drink of alcohol?
The effectiveness of the method of Carr explains his principle, the difference with the methods based on the use of force of will. It clearly states that it is the evil of alcohol:
- the financial costs;
- pathological dependency;
- the negative attitude of the society;
- danger to the health.

But focusing on these aspects does not occur, because it is without more details of the well known alcoholics. The focus of the method, Allen Carr are the reasons that motivate people to drink alcohol, despite the obvious damage. How that can tie in with alcohol?
Carr demonstrates that man does not separate, with the alcohol because of fears. It is fears:
- stay without the support and pleasure;
- remain powerless in the face of stress;
- lose one of the pleasures of life;
- to be helpless before a withdrawal syndrome and an irresistible urge to alcohol;
- the traction to the alcohol eventually will never pass.